Entering the era of uncertainty.

Only 4 days left of democracy as we know it. Is that hyperbole? I’m honestly not sure. But I do know that none of us know what the next 4 years are going to bring for small businesses.


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

We can take educated guesses about big business: tax breaks, price gouging, billionaire CEOs… same ol’ same ol’. But for small, independent businesses the future is much less certain and much, much scarier. So what can we do (other than the obvious rage-venting on social media)? The way I see it, now has never been a better time to build a support group: friends, family, like-minded businesses in your area, happy customers et al. We’re all going to need to proactively be a part of a bigger community if we’re going to weather this storm. And the key word here is “proactively”. Get out there, build your groups, reach out to your neighbors. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.


So anyway… have I told you about my podcast?


Arcade game design was simply amazing.