The power of protest graphics.

Graphic design isn’t just for coffee packaging and concert posters. Design has long been used as a form of social commentary and awareness raising. The ability to distill complex thoughts into succinct visuals is at the heart of every good designer, and nobody is doing that better right now than Gary Taxali.

Now to be fair, I don’t know Gary nor do I know if he categorizes himself as a designer, an illustrator, or an artist. But that’s not the point. Just look at these examples. If a picture is worth a thousand words, these works are a full-blown dissertation. At their core the visuals are simple, but the message they’re broadcasting is anything but.

In a world of disinformation, media bombardment and endless scrolling, the ability to stop someone in their tracks and get them to actually think is more valuable than ever before. Design can do just that. You don’t need to be edgy, and you certainly don’t need to be political. All you need is a perspective and a visual that broadcasts that perspective quickly and clearly. And that’s something you simply won’t find in a Canva template.


Where do we look for inspiration?